Make Fast

Welcome to Profit Hoopla!

Make Money Online: Simple Truth Rankings!

Profit Hoopla is a traffic and commissions builder.

Profit Hoopla is a free traffic and commissions builder that helps anyone.

With a focus on the most current Top 21 Make Money Rankings.

If you follow, if you do, soon, your bountiful harvest.

And if not already, please Join Profit Hoopla, now and free.

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We Have Helped More Than 250,000 People!

Actually, our start was more than 15-years ago with nothing.

Just like many of you, we started online with nothing on a search for how to make money online.

After many road blocks and detours, and many empty rainbows, we settled down.

We discovered a gold nugget in affiliate marketing (also called referral marketing and downline building).

This gold nugget was traffic building.

  • Earning traffic by referring others.
  • Leverage traffic earned for more traffic.
  • Then commissions and more commissions and much more commissions.

Make Money Online Fast

Too Many Empty Rainbows

In those early days we noticed much lacking.

  • The lack of truth.
  • The lack of simplicity.
  • The lack of consistency.

We were determined to overcome these and help others do the same.

With a focus on nothing but traffic building, we built downlines (referring others) of thousands, and we continue to do so today.

Any online advertising resource that is free to join and use, family friendly, that offers a multi-level downline system with referral rewards, we were interested in.

We join, make full use of, test, and if results, we tell the world.

And this is exactly what we did in 2002, producing the very first traffic exchange testing report.

Oh yes, the first and only, and even to this day, our testing reports continue.

First, we published the Hit Exchange Report. Yes, back in those days we called traffic exchanges hit exchanges.

Every week, without exception, we published the Hit Exchange Report, 100% independent and all statistical.

We simply wanted to know who was delivering as promised.

Also back in 2002, we published the Safelist Report, testing and ranking all the best Safelist.

Fast Money Online

Top 21 Make Money Rankings

Today, we publish many testing reports, all independent and statistical, including Profit Hoopla’s Make Money Rankings.

This testing report currently test more than 64 Top Ranked Affiliate Programs for commissions paid.

The most recent report included data for the previous 12-months.

It is rather most impressive, useful, and determines the Rankings here at Profit Hoopla.

Make Easy Money Online

Profit Hoopla is a traffic and commissions builder.

Key to Profit Hoopla are simplicity, truth, and rankings.

Many come and go and do nothing.

Oh, we were so foolish in those early days.

We Only Get What We Seek.

We only get what we seek.

So much activity and so little results.

Why, oh why? Truth is not sought.

People imagine, joining and doing nothing will somehow benefit them.

But experience teaches that this is foolish. We only get what we seek!

We only get out what we put in! No advice works unless you do!

If not already, Join Profit Hoopla, now and free.

How To Make Quick Money

Simplicity Truth Rankings

Profit Hoopla is a free traffic and commissions builder that helps anyone.

With a focus on the most current Top 21 Make Money Rankings.

Follow our instructions to build large amounts of ongoing daily traffic and commissions.

Traffic earned you may send to any website anytime.

Or best, leverage the traffic to build more ongoing daily commissions.

Our instructions are real simple, real easy, on purpose.

No skills, no experience, and no website required.

All included free of charge.

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Make Money Rankings

Make Money Rankings by Profit Hoopla is 100% Independent Statistical Testing Since 2002.

100% Independent Testing

Statistical Testing

Since 2002

Each testing report includes 12-months of commissions paid.

By more than 64 Top Ranked Affiliate Programs.

Rankings are by composite score.

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Hoopla is Excitement!

Hoopla is excitement.

Hoopla is a buzz, frenzy, action, fireworks, and stir.

Hoopla is one of those words with both positive and negatives.

It is our name, our brand, and our purpose.

You see, we got our start online more than 15-years ago with nothing.

Nothing as in nothing: No knowledge, no understanding, and no experience.

The online world was and is nothing but hoopla.

It is roads and detours and empty rainbows.

But there is a ray of sunshine.

We found it, and we want to share it with you.

Truth. A light-bulb-moment. A pointing in the right direction.

And we can help you.

Hoopla represents simple, truth, and rankings.

We Test; independent statistical simple truth ongoing.

Yes, Hoopla is our name and our brand and our purpose.

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Oh The Bountiful Harvest!

If you follow our instructions, do as we do, soon, your bountiful harvest.

Bountiful Harvest?

A bountiful harvest is large amounts of ongoing daily traffic and commissions.

How To Make Money

Traffic and Commissions Builder

Profit Hoopla is a free traffic and commissions builder that helps anyone.

You can earn traffic and commissions with these affiliate programs.

All it takes is a good referral base (also called signups or downline).

Yet, this may not be as easy as it sounds.

A small referral base with only a few referrals will not help much.

This is why Profit Hoopla!

We have developed a real solution for you.

Profit Hoopla will help you to increase your referral base.

We help you maximize your advertising efforts and earn more.

Everyone builds more traffic and commissions with Profit Hoopla!

Faster and Easier!

And this service is free, anyone can become a member and earn commissions.

Make Money Online

How Does Profit Hoopla Work?

How Does Profit Hoopla Work?

Our system keeps track of everything.

We track all Your Make Money Programs referral IDs.

And we track every person that joins your downline.

You receive credit for all people that join your downline and their downline and theirs.

Unlimited! Unlimited numbers. Unlimited downline. Unlimited free flow-through of your referral IDs.

Affiliate Marketing

More Please! More Profit Hoopla Details!

More Profit Hoopla Details

Unlimited free flow-through of your referral IDs.

All, that is all that you take part in.

1 – All members you refer added to your direct downline (with all Your referral IDs).

2 – Indirect downline building.

Your referral IDs will be also used in your referrals downlines (direct and indirect).

Unlimited free flow-though as long as not replaced with theirs.

We recommend joining all Top 21 Make Money Programs.

Your full participation will help you get more, increase and maximize.

What about existing Make Money Programs referral IDs?

No problem!

You may enter your existing referral IDs.

How many new members to refer?

The absolute least is 3, but 7 and much more is best.

The more new members you refer, the more you will get in return!

Fast Money

Reasons You Should Join Profit Hoopla

Get a free website to enter your referrals IDS.

Unlimited direct downline growth with your referral IDs.

Unlimited free flow-through of your referral IDs.

Real-time statistics of your direct and indirect downline size.

We focus on only the most current Top 21 Make Money Rankings.

100% Independent Statistical Testing Since 2002.

No experience and no website required.

Complete and excellent support provided.

We love helping others.

Easy Money

This Truth is So Simple

Getting Ongoing Daily Traffic means doing well secured.

Then, if not doing well, the lack of Ongoing Daily Traffic is responsible.

We need to discover how to get Ongoing Daily Traffic, and take action.

The moment there is Ongoing Daily Traffic, joy.

It is amazing how few see, believe, and walk in this simple truth.

This is not impossibilities.

Not impracticable ideals.

Just a simple truth. Make Money Truth!

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The Attitude in Which You Come

A young person once said to me, Help Me to study Internet Marketing.

Give me some rules to guide me – how to begin and how to go on.

I want to know Internet Marketing well.

This is the desire of all newcomers.

How can we find joy and a bountiful harvest?

The thing that comes before all is the attitude in which you come.

Making Money Online

Simple Truth Rankings

Newcomer or Expert, yes. What is your purpose?

A person is ruled and urged on by the goal that he sets before himself.

No Surprise!

If your aim is to know Internet Marketing well, only, no joy.

Thorough knowledge, itself, gains you nothing.

To some it is a curse.

To others it is worthless.

It does not make them joyful or bountiful.

To some it is a burden, and it depresses them instead of helping them.

Yes, knowledge, by itself.

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A Single Purpose to Do It

What then should be the aim, the real attitude of the Internet Marketing student?

The first need is a great hunger for doing well.

A great desire for learning, knowing, and doing.

And not just know it, but do it.

All true doing well depends upon first the will to do it.

A will definitely set upon doing it.

A single purpose to do it.

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The Doing

Words stand between the will and the action.

If a man wills to do something for you, he expresses his thought or purpose in words.

Then he fulfills the words by doing what he promised.

We can do many things: We can seek to know, we can admire, we can praise.

But if we do not do, we deceive ourselves and fall short. The doing is key.

Only as we do them will their real benefit and blessing unfold to us.

Students put into practice the lessons they receive.

Be ready to do!

Do not take this for granted. It is of greater importance than you know.

This is more absent than you think.

The Doing!

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A Dead-in-Earnest Resolve to Do It

The prerequisite for enjoying your food is hunger.

Internet Marketing? Online Business? Online Advertising?

A simple, determined longing to find out what it is you should do.

A dead-in-earnest resolve to do it.

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The Daily Traffic Building

The Daily Traffic Building suggests thoughts of utmost importance.

The daily need to focus on building traffic.

To ensure ongoing daily traffic for today, tomorrow, and every day.

Daily Traffic Building is for strength and growth and ongoing.

It makes us ready, all the time, to serve and to grow.

Of all Online Business, daily traffic building is the source for joy.

Most people miss this truth! The Daily Traffic Building.

Will you embrace it?

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Healthy Roots Grow Healthy Branches

Healthy Roots Grow Healthy Branches.

There are various diseases that affect an orange tree.

One of them is root disease.

A tree may continue to bear some fruit without any appearance of trouble.

But an expert sees the beginning of a slow death.

A similar disease affects the roots in Online business.

An Online Business may start strong, bear some fruit, but a slow death is in process.

The only way to end this disease is a taking out the old roots and providing new ones.

How much of Online Business suffers from the root disease.

It is none other than the neglect of Daily Traffic Building.

A lack of daily traffic building and maintaining ongoing daily traffic.

This explains the weakness of many Online Businesses.

No wonder we fail to bring forth much harvest.

Nothing can change this except a renewed focus on Daily Traffic Building.

We must give it the place it must have, first and top priority.

If the Daily Traffic Building is well, the whole business with its duties will be too.

Healthy roots grow healthy branches.

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The Morning Time is Good

The Morning Time is Good.

The morning time is good for Daily Traffic Building.

It is a priority thing.

What is most important to Your Online Business?

Make a firm determination to keep the Daily Traffic Building.

Online Business is impossible without daily, continuous Traffic Building.

This is not exaggerated.

Daily Traffic Building is the key to maintaining the bountiful harvest.

The goal is to secure daily traffic for the whole day.

Ongoing and Continuous.

Today, tomorrow, and every day.

Online Business needs traffic every day, every hour, always.

So vital!

Success depends on seeking and finding and holding daily traffic.

Let nothing interfere with it.

Daily Traffic Building is the link between a bountiful harvest and Your Online Business.

Too difficult a goal? To much time?

The reward is rich.

New meaning and power to Your Online Business.

Whatever effort it may cost you will be worth it to win that prize.

Academic study and the sports field need single-minded determination.

Your Online Business deserves even more.

Daily Traffic Building!

It will establish the keynote of Your Online Business.

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Truth: We Love Helping Others

Our Journey Started More Than 15-Years Ago.

Like it was yesterday.

Our Online Business Journey started more than 15-years ago.

This report is not a focus on us or our journey. Truth is our aim. Helping is our goal.

Helping even just one person is our joy.

Truth: We love helping others.

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More Truth Please


Truth is becoming extinct.

No surprise. Everywhere, offline too.

Oh, more truth please.

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Nothing is More Important

Nothing is more important to Your Online Business than the Daily Traffic Building.

And your undiscourageable resolution to keep the Daily Traffic Building is vital.

The firm determination to keep the Daily Traffic Building.

At first that statement may seem to appear too strong.

But think about how impossible it is without Ongoing Daily Traffic.

Oh, then, we have not exaggerated. Fixed determination! The Daily Traffic Building.

The Daily Traffic Building is the key.

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Simple. Ordinary People. Working Class Type People.

We Are Ordinary.

We are ordinary but we have the secret.

Please do not think that we are some kind of special or peculiar person.

We are ordinary. We are as ordinary and needy as anyone. But we have the secret.

Simple. Ordinary People. Working Class Type People.

Oh, to less self, less gurus and less pride.

When possible, give and love and help, anonymous.

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Let Nothing Interfere with It

Why Daily Traffic Building.

What is the purpose of Daily Traffic Building?

The goal is to secure Ongoing Daily Traffic every day.

We need Daily Traffic Building every day.

Moment by Moment.

Our Online Business is only doing well because of Ongoing Daily Traffic.

An Online Business cannot stand for one moment without Ongoing Daily Traffic.


Our success depends on our Daily Traffic Building.

Then let nothing interfere with it.

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Simplicity is the state and quality of being simple.

All Hoopla follows the same idea, instructions, one purpose.

Idea: We are a free traffic builder that helps anyone.

Instructions: Join each Top Ranked and use daily to promote Your Hoopla.

Purpose: Get signups and earn referral rewards.

Why Do This? To build large amounts of ongoing daily traffic.

If you follow our instructions, do as we do, soon, Your Bountiful Harvest!

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Examples of What You Can Do

Examples of What You Can Do.

Do not think we are an exceptional case.

This will weaken your desire to follow in the steps of Hoopla.

The aim of Your Hoopla is the opposite. Your Hoopla is for your instruction and encouragement.

We are examples of what you can do.

There is no difference between us and you.

There is no reason why you should not, like us, reap a bountiful harvest.

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But Unless We Apply

All instruction proceeds from the outward to the inward.

Facts. Words. Deeds.

Our mind looks for the meaning hidden in them. But unless we apply, take action, follow and do, they are useless to us.

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We Only Get What We Seek

We only get what we seek.

So much activity and so little results.

Why, oh why? Truth is not sought.

People imagine, joining and doing nothing will somehow benefit them.

But experience teaches that this is foolish. We only get what we seek!

We only get out what we put in! No advice works unless you do!

How To Affiliate Marketing

Persistence Has Various Elements

Persistence has various elements – the main ones are perseverance, determination, and intensity.

It begins with the refusal to accept denial.

Then a determination to persevere.

Spare no time or trouble until an answer comes.

At one time it is quiet; at another, bold.

At one point it waits in patience, but at another, it claims at once what it desires.

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A Clear Defined Goal

In everything you attempt to do, you have a clear defined goal.

It is not enough to have movement and progress.

It has to be in the right direction, straight for the mark.

If not already, Join Profit Hoopla, now and free.